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google Martin Lee on 03 Jan 2006 03:19 am

A Marketing Booboo Google Made

Recently, I received a New Year’s card from Google. My initial thoughts were, “Wow, Google actually bothered to send a card to even a small customer like me.” Opening the envelope, I noticed that the card wasn’t signed. They didn’t even bother to print my name anywhere on the card. Apart from the printed “Happy New Year” in various languages, the card was totally blank.

So much for personalisation.

I found out later that for bigger clients, Google actually gave them a nice cordless mouse set with the Google name imprinted on it as a Christmas present. But again, they made the same mistake. Bemused clients received a box with the mouse and nothing else. No accompanying letter or anything else to explain why they got the mouse.

On the other hand, when I received my affiliate check from Ken Evoy of Sitesell, there was a nice accompanying letter to go with the check. The letter was addressed to my name and was even personally signed. No wonder the company had been growing at breakneck speed.

I hope you are not making the same mistake. How have you been treating your clients in all of your contact with them?

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2 Responses to “A Marketing Booboo Google Made”

  1. on 30 Jan 2006 at 8:42 pm 1.Joshua said …


    I was just looking at sitesell website. By the look of its design, they dont seems to have very attractive web design. By standards of communication through the website, I dont find clear cut products and services communicated through brief understand sequence which leads to sales. I am no google cheerleader, I am also looking for a good traffic driver like you. How do you find the results from sitesell?

  2. on 30 Jan 2006 at 8:53 pm 2.Martin Lee said …

    Hello Joshua,

    I’m not too sure what you mean by good traffic driver in this instance. Are you looking for something to help drive traffic to your site or are you looking for something to drive traffic to so that you can make sales?

    I will try to address both of these issues.

    I have a sitesell account (building still in progress) too and based on my experience, it has excellent tools to help both a newbie and an experienced webmaster build a website that “works”.

    The track record and many testimonials from users speak for itself.

    If you are looking to promote it, I agree that the main corporate site can be a bit confusing. However, they do have many feeder sites that you can promote based on the target market you are looking at.

    Hope this clarifies.

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