Category Archivenac reviews
nac reviews Martin Lee on 07 Jun 2007
Roger Hamilton
One of the speakers that spoke during the National Achiever’s Congress I attended two weeks ago was a man called Roger Hamilton, founder of XL Foundation.
I managed to take down some of his points on wealth creation.
“Wealth is not how much money you have. Wealth is what you are left with if you lose all your money.”
“The more money you have, the more opportunities you have.”
Wealth = Value x Leverage
The thing that struck me most from his presentation is this: Continue reading » Roger Hamilton
nac reviews Martin Lee on 25 May 2007
National Achievers Congress
I just came back from the two days of seminar at the National Achievers Congress. Managed to pick up a few interesting ideas from some of the speakers.
Roger Hamilton had a very useful profiling system, Jerry Clarke shared on his magic of colours, T. Harv Eker taught us about the money blueprint, Jay Abraham talked about his passive income program and James Skinner received a standing ovation from the audience with his awe inspiring talk.
Getting a bit now (2 am) and I still need to rest for tomorrow’s seminar, so I will share some of my insights in bits and nuggets over the next few weeks.