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news Martin Lee on 29 Jun 2006

Armageddon for Insiders Club

Today, I received an email with some sad news from Jay Abraham.

About twelve months ago, it was with much promise that Jay launched his Jay Abraham Insiders Club. That was also the inspiration that made me created this website.

The marketing of membership for the club was done exclusively using online marketing techniques. And internet marketing was never Jay’s forte. So, he teamed up with a couple of internet marketing experts.

To cut a long story short, the internet marketing didn’t work as well as it could and the Insiders Club fell short of critical mass that would have made it viable.

The Insiders Club is no more but this site shall live on!

news Martin Lee on 27 Apr 2006

Jay Abraham Websites Down! – Part 2

I just visited the site www.abrahampublishing.net which was formerly the signup page for Jay Abraham insiders club.

Guess what I saw? A certain “Tony Seruga” pendling his services.

Looks like Jay’s domain name had been hijacked. While the Abraham Group tries to sort that out, they will be losing money by the minute. In the few days that this Tony Seruga site has been up, it has already attracted traffic of 278,135 visitors! A very expensive mistake indeed.

Two lessons we can derive from here.

1) Protect your assets.
2) If you can start a viral campaign built around a strong affiliate base, the amount of traffic or leads generated can be massive.

news Martin Lee on 13 Apr 2006

Jay Abraham Websites Down!

Thanks to a few emails from my readers, I found out that a couple of Jay Abraham’s websites are actually not working at the moment. So, if you get error messages from any of the links on this site, please do not feel alarmed.

I have already contacted Abraham Group to inform them about it but I’m very surprised of such a lengthy downtime.

As to how it happened, your guess is as good as mine. Hope they are fixed soon.

news &seminar Martin Lee on 21 Aug 2005

Jay Abraham is Coming to Singapore!

Well, Jay’s coming over to my hometown to deliver an intensive 3 days Billion Dollar Marketing Weekend from 27-29 Aug 05. I think the last time he came to Singapore to deliver a full fledged seminar was more than ten years ago. Unfortunately, from the looks of it, I will not be able to attend as my schedule is already booked for two of those days. 🙁

Nevertheless, I’m still trying to arrange with the seminar organiser, Success Resources Pte Ltd, for a special price for loyal members of this site. Ideally, I had hoped to iron out details early but things are moving a bit slowly at the moment. Hopefully, something concrete can be worked out soon.

So, if you are still undecided about attending, do keep a lookout for my annoucement within these few days. You can also leave me a message and I will inform you once details are confirmed.

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