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copywriting &world internet summit Martin Lee on 31 May 2007 10:11 pm

Closing by Jay Abraham at WIS

Jay Abraham was the speaker “tasked” with delivering the closing speech of the World Internet Mega Summit.

He started with a 10-min “sales pitch” of his materials that he was making available for people to model. Included were a couple of products that people could start selling immediately.

This was followed by a 10-min motivational roundup and a 50 minute sharing session. This was conducted in the form of an interview done by Brett McFall.

There were quite a number of points covered and I will be listing some of them out below:

Nothing in life is worth achieving without some effort.

Nothing is great the first time that you do it.

The biggest thing stopping people – Fear of failure, fear of the unknown.

Failure doesn’t exist. Something that doesn’t produce the desired result moves you closer to the result.

95% of people don’t reach their goals. Why? They never set goals.

Reverse engineer the process. What is it supposed to do for you when it reaches the position you want? Then formulate a fine progressive of your metrics to reach that goal.

Many people are too fixated on preparation and afraid of implementation.

How to Market Your Non-Friction ebook Online

Find out who else on the online world has more to gain by selling a ton of your ebook.

Setup the backend first. This will increase your advertising budget.

Make a list of every generic entity with an online presence that will have a market receptive to your product.

Build a distribution netowrk of affiliates and help to setup joint ventures. If the backend is setup properly, you can give them the lion share of the commissions (in some cases even more than 100% of the frontend sale).

How to Develop Creative Thinking

Spend as much time as you can studying in 2 different areas.

The first area should be in some specialisation.

The second area is in everything else not related to your main area of specialisation. Read widely and broadly.

The imporatance about optimization & innovation.

Perceived Value – Do not focus solely on the hard cost of your product/service. Rather look at what you will save/make for the receipent.

Strategy of Preeminence – Do not try to sell something. Instead, think of how your product/service will enrich their lives. Fall in love with your clients. In everything you do, think about the results you will bring your clients.

Future Pacing – Taking people through (and imagine) to what it would be like in the future.

Amazon School of Copywriting – To write a good salesletter, first go to Amazon and look at the best sellers in your category. Read the top reviews and extract from them the positive points and negative points.

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