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email marketing &reviews Martin Lee on 18 May 2007 11:33 am

Hypnotic Marketing by Joe Vitale

Over the past week, I have been bombarded with many emails on Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Marketing formula. Unable to resist a good marketing promotion (and price), I bought it today to see what it is about.

The basic strategy has three steps:

1) Hypnotic publicity
2) Hypnotic website
3) Hypnotic emails

This can be summarised into one statement: Using publicity to generate traffic to your website where you collect their email address and then follow up with them consistently with regular emails.

Jay Abraham once told Joe Vitale: “The real secret to making money online isn’t in websites. It’s in email.

How true.

Joe expands on these three steps and provides you with concrete case studies of how other people have done it and how you should approach it.

As part of the 8th anniversary promotion, the book also comes with a ton of other bonuses. I particularly like the hypnotic writing swipe file which provides us with proven phrases, commands, words, questions, etc that we can use in our salesletters.

I am also looking foward to the 2 free months of Hypnotic Gold Monthly Audio CD and Print Newsletter that will be mailed to me.

All in all, with the whole lot costing only $27 (while the anniversary promotion is running), it’s a pretty good bargain.

2 Responses to “Hypnotic Marketing by Joe Vitale”

  1. on 14 Nov 2007 at 3:21 pm 1.Paul said …

    This blog has passed me by.

    I subscribe to Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Gold Monthly audio and there was a great interview last month about making money out of blogs and how to drive traffic to them

    Best regards


  2. on 15 Nov 2007 at 5:35 pm 2.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Paul,

    I got Joe’s newletter for 2 months but decided to cancel them as I didn’t have time to really read/listen through the stuff.

    Information overload!

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