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Uncategorized Martin Lee on 31 Aug 2006 12:13 am

Jay Abraham 101 – Part 2

In response to Mike’s comments, I will like to add on that up to 90% of marketing is a science and can be taught.

I’m not quite sure we can have step-by-step methods, since every business is different and different methods might achieve different results. But your profits will definitely increase if you continually learn new methods and apply them to your business.

A single blog post is definitely insufficient to condense into a template all the teachings of Jay Abraham. Rather, I had tried to cover the fundamentals to get the reader thinking.

As an example, let us look at increasing of number of clients via lead generation. What are the methods that you can use? Referrals, telemarketing, direct mail, print advertising, tradeshows, etc.

There are companies that get close to 100% of their leads via telemarketing. And there are companies that get close to 100% of their leads via direct mail. And so on. Can you imagine the possibilities if these companies start looking at other methods to generate leads?

Unfortunately, most people just follow whatever the rest of the people in their industry are doing.

Also, what is important is to think strategically rather than tactically.

One Response to “Jay Abraham 101 – Part 2”

  1. on 26 Aug 2007 at 1:30 am 1.Paul said …

    Jay’s message is simple.

    Try something on a small scale and measure the results.

    If it doesn’t work, can you see a way to make it better? A different headline, a better offer, a better targeted list etc.

    When you know what is working life gets much simpler.

    You keep doing the things that are working and if it works really well then you do more of it.

    If it isn’t working and you’ve tested different approaches that could turn it around then stop. There are many other ways to attract leads so try another approach.

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