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advertising &news Martin Lee on 28 Dec 2007 02:42 am

Jay Abraham Club on Facebook

Ever since Facebook opened their network to allow everyone worldwide to join some time ago, I have been receiving invitations from friends to join. At first, I wasn’t really interested in joining Facebook. After all, I was not going to “waste” time playing around with the network.

However, when I came across an article that mentioned Facebook, I suddenly became interested.

So, what exactly did I read in that article?

Well, I found out that Facebook actually allows us to advertise on their network. Advertising on its own is not a big deal but when an advertising medium allows you to target people by location, age, gender, educational background, relationship status and interests, that is something you should seriously consider for your business.

So, I did the natural thing of creating an account and running some advertisements on the network.

One thing’s for sure. More and more people are catching on using Facebook as an advertising medium and the advertisement costs are getting higher.

The paid advertising is not the only option you can explore. The application-rich social networking features of Facebook also makes it a good source of getting free advertising for your business.

One feature inside Facebook allows you to create different interest groups. I have just created a Jay Abraham Group on Facebook so that we can find more Jay Abraham students (past or present) to interact with one another.

If you already have a Facebook account, I invite you to join this Jay Abraham Group and also add me as your friend. Do indicate to me you are from Abraham Club so that I can approve your request.

And if you do not yet have a Facebook account, you can sign up for one at www.facebook.com.

7 Responses to “Jay Abraham Club on Facebook”

  1. on 28 Dec 2007 at 11:17 am 1.Kiyoshi Nagata said …

    Dear Lee-san:

    I’ve been a big fan of your Jay Ablaham Club for quite a while in Japan. Am Japanese, but very much cross-culturally and linguistically educated, both in Japan
    and in the States.

    Have been to Singapore and am writing up a series of a “Singapore stories” based on my hands-on observations
    while in Singapore, for a Japanese weekly ezine.

    Your article, as above, definitely prompted me to finally sign up for Facebook as you did.

    Will enjoy interacting with you and your buddies on the Facebook net.


    KyariKon, Member Coach, ICF-Japan

  2. on 28 Dec 2007 at 4:22 pm 2.Kenneth Kwan said …

    Dear Martin,

    Why not you share your marketing reasons of joining FB? Social networking has really changed how things shld be marketed and I’m pretty impressed by certain things that I can do with FB!

    When I had my seminar, I invited all my contacts thru FB and had some sign ups as well. Interesting for marketing and its pretty effective since people already know you.

  3. on 28 Dec 2007 at 5:11 pm 3.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Kiyoshi,

    Thanks for your feedback. It’s encouraging to know there are readers from all over the world.

    Hi Kenneth,

    Perhaps I wasn’t exactly clear in my post. I signed up for facebook because I wanted to place ads in it!

    Before I can do that properly, I definitely have to put myself in the shoes of the user first.

  4. on 29 Dec 2007 at 12:58 am 4.Paul said …

    Hi Martin

    Surprise surprise, I have just joined your Facebook group.

    You have clearly made much more progress with Facebook than I have since I joined about a month ago.

    All I have done is search for people from my past.

    Still you now get a chance to see what I look like together with my dog.

    I think the club is a great idea and hopefully it will attract plenty more people to your blog and then to my Business Coaching Blog.

  5. on 03 Jan 2008 at 1:23 am 5.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Paul,

    Welcome and I look forward to seeing your contribution at the group! 🙂


  6. on 23 Jan 2008 at 5:13 am 6.Peter said …

    I think the facebook is not the right choice.

  7. on 30 Jan 2008 at 4:30 pm 7.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Peter,

    why do you say that?

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