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reviews &video Martin Lee on 07 Mar 2008 05:12 pm

Jay Abraham Mini Hotseat Review

It’s a Friday afternoon here as I watch the video of the Jay Abraham seminar that I posted a couple of weeks ago. In this age of information overload, sometimes it does take a bit of time to get down to doing things. Increasingly, it is also getting harder and harder to capture the attention of our prospect.

If you haven’t got a chance to watch it yet, here’s a brief outline of what it contained:

The first three parts cover some of the basic foundational stuff taught by Jay Abraham. This includes the strategy of preeminence and some marketing mistakes people make.

Strategy of Preeminence

  • You install yourself in the eyes of your marketplace as their most trusted adviser. Telling it as you see it and guiding them.
  • You render what’s in their best interest.
  • Many people focus on the wrong thing. They fall in love with their business, their product or their service. Everyone should fall in love with their client.

Marketing Mistakes People Make

  • Marketing is the ultimate leverage tool.
  • Maximise what you are doing before increasing what you do.
  • Not implementing risk reversal. Identify the tangible and intangible elements.
  • Not testing.
  • Most people do what others in the same industry do.
  • Not educating people and telling them the reason why.
  • Not capturing all the names, data and understanding what they say.
  • Not cross-selling, up-selling and down-selling.
  • Not doing joint-ventures.

Videos four and five are the interesting ones as they feature mini-hotseat sessions with some of the participants. A few selected ones get to ask Jay specific marketing questions. Jay in turned grilled them with a few questions and then gave them practical solutions to their problems.

Videos four and five are the ones to watch if you can’t find time to watch all the five parts.

The session ended with a question and quotation by Jay for us to ponder about. What’s the question? Watch the last portion of video five to find out. 🙂

Note: If the audio doesn’t seem to work for some reason, just click on the video and let it open in a new window. That should work properly.

2 Responses to “Jay Abraham Mini Hotseat Review”

  1. on 08 Mar 2008 at 2:04 am 1.Paulina Khumbah, Ph. D. said …

    Cna your organization help me grow my business for a percentage of the profit? I have not been able to work for sometime because of a foot injury. I could use some help!

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  2. on 14 Mar 2008 at 10:37 am 2.Lily said …

    I am interested with the second points of Marketing Mistakes People Make. There is a big difference between maximising and increasing what we do…

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