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news Martin Lee on 09 Jan 2008 11:46 am

Jay Abraham Super Reunion Seminar Followup

Here’s the followup email from Jay Abraham about his Super Reunion get-together that he’s organising in March this year.

“Hi Martin,

I want to celebrate all of your business breakthroughs and successes, past, present and future.

I know you love business-building ideas and breakthrough marketing concepts. That’s why you’re on my list.

It’s also why 280,000 of you either attended one of my live seminars, purchased a home study version or acquired one of my other expensive products or programs.

Well, I always believed there was a huge “void” that happened right after you left my seminar or completed a home study course or finished reading one of my manuals.

It’s a queasy, unsettling feeling – when you get animated with the possibilities my concepts could mean to your business – but then you’re left frustrated wanting more help or guidance to put them all into profitable action for yourself.

You know my ideas are powerful, but – without a continued connection to me (to keep moving you forward and upward) you can get stuck in a “void”, of sorts.

Well, I and an impressive number of the world’s top business, peak performance experts, have come up with a fresh and exciting way for solving this problem. But we can only orchestrate its demanding requests ONE TIME.

So it’s something you have to think about carefully, then pounce upon right away – IF you’re motivated. However, you also must qualify. If this all sounds confusing or ominous, let me explain everything, right now:

I’ve always loved helping ambitious business owners and entrepreneurs thrive and prosper. I know you want continuous success and enrichment for yourself, too.

But I was always stymied by how else I could help your business to keep thriving (without me charging you an arm and a leg to become a private client).

Plus – I don’t think you and your business should stop going and growing after you finish one of my programs or products.

Yet when the seminar or CD program ends, or you turn the last page on one of my manuals – a “gripping” realization oftentimes hits home. You’re back on your own again, going it alone – with no one to turn to for advice, answers, direction or implementation.

You may have already heard that I’ve decided to hold a gigantic… colossal… and outrageously wonderful “Seminar Reunion“, here in Los Angeles – the last week of March.

My concept is unique. But everyone I’ve tried it on absolutely loves it. So far, we’ve had 1,400 people contact us to be one of the 1,000 participants we’ve got room for at the event.

And their enthusiasm isn’t just because it’ll recreate all the exciting possibility and creative spirit you originally encountered the first time you experienced exposure to my methods, mindset and work.

It’s because I’ve decided to bring back, and bring together, ALL the best of the best, the cream of the crop – both in speaker/presenters – as well as impressive, quality attendees.

My Reunion Seminar will be a tribute event commemorating, honoring and recognizing the very finest, most impressive and brilliant speakers and attendees or home study participants I’ve ever attracted.

Over the last 25 years, I have done over 100 different versions of summits the world over. Los Angeles, Toronto, London, Bali, Sydney, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, India, Tampa, Las Vegas.

I’ve traveled the world over, to make my uniquely “eclectic” brand of original thinking, breakthrough strategy and business growth philosophy something you can easily learn to apply and master.

The speakers I’ve attracted (in every country) stand heads above the caliber of “presenter” you’ve grown accustomed to seeing frequent other people’s events. We’re talking about 25 bestselling, major business authors who’ve presented for me.

We’re talking about famed billionaire entrepreneurs that you’ve only read about elsewhere.

We’re talking about such rarified experts and specialized masters of their skill – you’d have to pay them a veritable fortune to share their knowledge privately if you retained them yourself.

My expert speakers/presenters never sold anything from the stage – unlike many people who speak only to tease. I paid them richly to be there and/or they came to be part of the experience for their own business building goals.

Seriously, my speakers typically “immerse” themselves into the seminar program before and after they spoke. Many actually sat at the tables taking copious notes for themselves, while brilliantly interacting with all the different attendees at the table.

Compare that to the “conferences” you’ve attended where the speakers come, tease, sell something. Then disappear!

What’s more, my programs produce mammoth results. We’re talking 12,000 documented success stories. Past attendees maybe doubled, maybe even redoubled, maybe EVEN redoubled, again – their bottom line increases.

But the freedom and liberty of being free of fear of failing or limitation was the priceless gift I and all MY presenters tried to contribute to our participants and home study buyers.

I know we achieve it there at the event. But I’ve kept in touch with a lot of past attendees. Typically they go out, explode – their profits for a short time. Then stagnate. Why?

One reason, I think is that we all need to be pushed, challenged, stimulated, questioned, motivated, inspired and re-directed in how to excel – CONTINUOUSLY!

Every great, long-term achiever I’ve ever known or studied – be they business legends, sports greats, political dynamos or famed, recording artists – ALL had advisors, collaborators, or counselors.

They pushed, pulled, inspired and held these icons each to a higher standard. In short, they ALL needed a mastermind alliance as a sounding board to turn to.

Most of you don�t have anyone to turn to – after you leave my seminar, or complete a home study program. So you�re frustrated, confused, and…stuck.

But I want to break you free of the chains keeping you from catapulting your business to higher ground.

I want to engineer an experience so rarified, that only people attending can even fathom the impact it will have, long-term.

First, I’m systematically reconnecting with each and every speaker I’ve ever had at any event around the world. I’m carefully reviewing whether or not their minds, methodology and thinking are STILL cutting edge.

If it is, I’m going to pay them a king’s ransom to come and update your with all their latest ideas, thinking and real-world breakthroughs about what to do – NOW!

Second: I’m inviting at least nine, world-famous business icons I’ve met outside the seminar business.

There are men and women so successful at what they do – they’re rarely, if ever, shared their knowledge – publicly – other than maybe an occasional interview for Forbes, or USA Today or the Wall Street Journal, or CNBC.

All of them probably won’t come. Some may only agree to do telephone �call ins.� But I’m pulling out all-the-stops to bring the finest minds that I can access to THIS reunion event.

Third, I’m holding a lottery of sorts designed to limit and restrict the quantity and quality of people I invite to attend as participants.


Because I’m not doing THIS reunion to make a lot of money, I’m doing it to orchestrate the most memorable, meaningful, impactful, outlandish, outstanding and unprecedented business building event – ever staged for true, growth-oriented entrepreneurs.

This will be “THE” event of the decade. So I want it populated with the finest quality of attendees I can possibly invite — from the world over.

So I’m letting everyone on my list know that I’m doing this reunion the last part of March, 2008.

I’m inviting people who seriously “get” the kind of wildly stimulating and compelling experience event that I can pull off – to contact me immediately with their serious “Expression-of-Interest” for attending this 25-Year Celebration Tribute Event.

I am not taking any money now (we’ll start doing that in about a week). Nor am I accepting any confirmed reservations. I’m not even saying you�re “in” – if you respond.

What I AM saying, is that I will give “right-of-first-refusal” to attend as a participant to those qualified people who contact me-immediately to put your name on the priority lottery selection list.

We did a “trial balloon” pre-Christmas, sneak peak-announcement, via e-mail last week and we alreadyhave 1,400 people who’ve said that they’re “in”, IF I accept them.

But I want to be fair and strategic.

So, first choice goes to quality people who get their name “on the list” now.

By quality, I mean you must “qualify”, in order to have your application accepted.

Qualifying means you’ve attended one of my past events, or purchased one of my other higher priced programs and/or products – and done something tangible with what you learned.

This event is strictly reserved for people who have demonstrated their commitment (and prejudice) towards taking action. It’s not open to procrastinators, equivocators, or contemplators.

If you’ve used my methods – or the ideas you grasped from one of my past speakers or attendees and saw your results rocket – I want YOU back to grow even more.

If you’ve never purchased anything or experienced any event with me, I’m sadly sorry and truly apologetic. But you can’t attend!

This event will rock the business conference world. For numerous reasons.

First: The star quality of the legendary, luminary and extraordinary speakers and attendees will be like a “who’s who” of great achievers, experts and icons.

Next – the pricing is shockingly modest. I think I’ll ask a mere $2,500 per person to participate – with all meals, included.

Next – no one will be selling anything, anywhere at any time from the platform. This is a pure knowledge-sharing experience.

Next – my legacy, reputation and what I’ll most want to be remembered for ultimately, will rest on the program I deliver to you – IF you win the lottery, qualify and get to participate in the program.

People wondering why I’m doing it should know my own motives and. Here they are:

1. I just came back from the first reunion in 29 years of Led Zeppelin in London. People from over 50 countries attended.

It was electric and will forever live in my memories. It also rekindled my own passion, desire and commitment to do something great for my loyal list of long-term “fans”.

2. I love being exposed to the range, depth, breadth and brilliance of different, genius minds I’ve attracted over the years to my events – both speakers and attendees.

And, I’m eager to bring together the perfect combination of Brain Power into a room and let the ideas flow, the sparks fly and the breakthroughs come fast and furious.

I love learning from others more than almost anything else I can do. Hopefully you love that, too.

3. I don’t do many seminars anymore, preferring to work closely with private businesses that we help prosper. It’s my first love and frankly, it’s far more enriching than merely teaching from a podium.

So the challenge of doing one, spectacular Tribute Reunion Event really turns me on, gets my adrenalin flowing and ignites my own sense of creative achievement. What I plan on doing there will blow your minds, I firmly believe.

4. If I carefully control the quality of presenters and attendees, the result will be seismic on the grandest scale imaginable.

5. I suspect a number of these quality attendees will prove to be excellent “client candidates” to work with privately. So, it’ll be a great chance for me to observe, interact and get to know each one of you (and your business) better.

6. It’ll be a wildly, joyously, enriching, masterminding, networking and creative collaboration “forum” to be part of.

So that’s my concept in a nutshell.

Obviously, there’s a lot more to tell or discuss, but I’m out of space.

Are you interested? Are you qualified?

If not, I’m sorry.

If so – contact me immediately with your expression of interest – if you wish to be included and considered in the lottery.

I ask you to furnish ALL of your contact numbers — if you seriously want to participate and attend. No salesperson will call.

My staff will contact you – IF you are selected to be invited to the event — with a few respectful questions.

If this all sounds preposterous – obviously you�re not right for this eclectic event.

If you thoroughly “GET IT” and want to be a part of something truly epic – rush your “Expression-of-Interest” to me now c/o mailto:[email protected].

That’s it

Judging by the wildly positive reaction that first e-mail produced, YOU need to get your name on “the list” right away. I hope you get to attend.

One final thing. It�s important.

I have 280,000 people who could, qualify. We have 1,000 (total) places to fill at the event. You do the math. First responders who qualify will get in on the drawing. Last won�t. It�s pure law of supply and demand.

Again, send full contact info to mailto:[email protected].

Thank you,

Jay Abraham”

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