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mark joyner &world internet summit Martin Lee on 30 May 2007 10:23 am

Mark Joyner – Six Rules for Sure-Fire Failure on the New Digital Business Battlefield

One important thing that I forgot to mention for Mark Joyner’s first day presentation was the concept of integration marketing and the 6 rules for failure. First, the 6 rules for failure on the internet:

1) Bribe (the customer to buy. eg free gift)
2) Trick (the customer to buy)
3) Fake (false claims)
4) Pollute (spamming the search engines with irrelevant websites and advertisements)
5) Steal (traffic?)
6) Turn up the volume (forgot what this is about)

Integration Marketing

Mark Joyner told us one strategy that worked really well for him. On the “thank you” page that appears after someone buys, he puts in a special offer or an upsell. This increases the dollar value of each sale.

The increase is small compared to another thing that he did. Instead of putting his upsell or special offer only on the “thank you” page of his own website, he found other websites and got them to put up his offer.

This resulted in a massive increase in results.

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2 Responses to “Mark Joyner – Six Rules for Sure-Fire Failure on the New Digital Business Battlefield”

  1. on 06 Jun 2007 at 4:17 pm 1.Trevor Greenfield said …

    It was my pleasure to be at the World Internet Summit. I travelled from the UK for the event and as far as I could see was the only attendee from the UK.

    It was great to meet some of the speakers that I had met before like Mark Joyner.

    I have a lot of respect for Mark. In my book he is probably the foremost marketing mind on the internet today.

    I have a feeling that many of the attendees missed the point of a lot of what Mark had to say but for those of us who were fully tuned in to what he had to say, his thoughts were pure gold.

    It was my pleasure to meet Ewen Chia and conduct an interview with him which I am hoping to market or use in my marketing in the future.

    You’re right there were some superb speakers there coupled with the opportunity to meet many of your people. It was a very rewarding trip for me, so much so that I intend to come back later this year for more of a holiday and hopefully meet up with some of the friends I made.

    Trevor Greenfield
    The Action for Success Coach
    “Nothing happens until we take Action”

  2. on 06 Jun 2007 at 7:45 pm 2.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Trevor, you are right. Mark is a profound thinker and his presentation on the first day might be a little bit too fast for the newbie.

    The part that really got me thinking was the population dynamics graph he showed us.

    Actually, I was a bit disappointed he didn’t share his thoughts on it during his second presentation aftar having intrigued us.

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