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downloads &maven marketing Martin Lee on 21 Feb 2008 02:48 am

Maven Matrix Manifesto

About two weeks ago, I did a summary of the maven marketing teleconference call hosted by Jay Abraham and Rich Schefren. Just today, Rich Schefren has released a 83-page report called Maven Matrix Manifesto.

This report elaborates on the concept of Maven Marketing and is obviously more structured than what I had attempted to cover in my summary notes earlier.

As with most of Rich Schefren’s other reports, it is filled with good content and useful examples. In 11 chapters, it provides a 11-step process for becoming a market maven. The 12th chapter is essentially a salesletter for Rich’s Maven Marketing Intensive seminar and home study course. 🙂

One glitch in the report is that it seems to be completed in a rush. The formatting was a bit off in some places and a couple of the links were not working. Nevertheless, it’s still worth a look if you want to know more about the concept of Maven Marketing.

One Response to “Maven Matrix Manifesto”

  1. on 14 Mar 2008 at 12:46 am 1.Paul said …

    The Maven Marketing report is very interesting although on my Squidoo page for Jay Abraham at http://www.squidoo.com/jayabrahammarketing we have started a debate on whether this is just repackaging on old tried and testing ideas from Jay – in effect old win in a new bottle.

    I see it as an exciting concept and I encourage you to download and read the report even if you don;t want to follow my example and buy the home study kit.

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