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sales &seminar Martin Lee on 02 Sep 2007 01:24 am

More Effective Use of Brochures

One strategy that I picked up on the second day of the�Billion Dollar Marketing Weekend conducted by Jay Abraham was on the optimal use of brochures. In the past, you�might have received requests for brochures of the product or service you were offering.

If you are like most other business owners, you would probably have mailed out�your brochure with either a name card or a simple letter of “Enclosed is the brochure you requested.”

The bad news is that you are leaving plenty of money on the table.�The good news, however,�is that with a simple tweak, you can drastically improve your sales conversion from such brochure requests.

First of all, a�brochure is simply a tool for you to demonstrate your product or service.

Consider this analogy. Your sales person works hard to secure an appointment with a potential client. At the appointment, he walks in and gives the brochure to�the prospect.� There is no sales presentation. No talking whatsoever. What do you think are the chances the prospect will buy your product?� Close to zero.

That is exactly what you are doing when you mail out a brochure with only a name card or a short letter to a prospect. The correct way to do it is to mail out your brochure with a complete salesletter. The person receiving it is definitely a targeted prospect since he requested for more information.

You want your salesletter to do the work of a sales person, ie doing the presentation and closing the sale. The brochure (as a sales tool) helps the salesletter do its job better.

8 Responses to “More Effective Use of Brochures”

  1. on 05 Sep 2007 at 1:40 am 1.Paul said …

    Hi Martin

    Jay has said this lots of times but it is very true. A brochure usually screams “Me, me, me” as it is all internally focused on the features and benefits of the products to a general public.

    But the prospect is also interested in “Me, me me” but it is a different “me”. The sales letter picks up the relevant aspects of the brochure and personalises them to the interests of the particular prospect.

    It is the old adage from Claude Hopkins – the letter is “salesmanship in print”

  2. on 05 Sep 2007 at 2:05 pm 2.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Paul,

    Yes, a sales letter is critical to the process of converting the prospect to a buyer. Without it, the chances of a sales will be greatly diminished.

  3. on 06 Sep 2007 at 1:13 am 3.gregory said …

    Hi Martin,
    Thanks for sharing. I use lots of brochures in my business of selling commercial vehicles and often get requests for one to be posted to my prospects. At the very least, given the fact that there are many who are just too busy or too lazy to read, this addon sales letter if skillfully tweaked will make my personalised brochure stands out from my competitors’.


  4. on 12 Sep 2007 at 11:18 am 4.Kenneth Kwan said …

    I totally agree with your article Martin. A sales letter is very important to help further list the benefits to the client. Using the Strategy of Pre-Eminence, we canno allow the client to just read it themselves, but serve to educate them to the nest knowledge of how we can serve them

  5. on 16 Sep 2007 at 1:33 pm 5.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Gregory and Kenneth,

    Yes, adding a sales letter to a brochure is something that is easy to implement yet most people don’t do it. They are losing an opportunity to “present their case” to the prospect.

  6. on 21 Sep 2007 at 3:48 pm 6.Thomas Sinfield said …

    Yes, my brother was doing a mailout for his company and saying it wasn’t being very successful, so he was going to quit doing them.

    When I asked him what he was putting in the mail out he mentioned everything but a salesletter. How can you sell without one?

  7. on 22 Sep 2007 at 12:15 am 7.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Thomas,

    sometimes, a little change could bring a drastic case in results. This could easily make the difference between a highly profitable campaign and a complete dud.

  8. on 17 Dec 2007 at 8:06 pm 8.Peter said …

    This is interesting strategy.

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