nac reviews Martin Lee on 07 Jun 2007 04:05 am
Roger Hamilton
One of the speakers that spoke during the National Achiever’s Congress I attended two weeks ago was a man called Roger Hamilton, founder of XL Foundation.
I managed to take down some of his points on wealth creation.
“Wealth is not how much money you have. Wealth is what you are left with if you lose all your money.”
“The more money you have, the more opportunities you have.”
Wealth = Value x Leverage
The thing that struck me most from his presentation is this:
It is very easy to say yes, but the times we say no is also very important.
Throughout life, we are presented with different kinds of income opportunites. Be it real estate, investing, stock trading, business building or others. Often, we will go and “try out” these new things. Sometimes, we might do extremely well. Other times, we might struggle with them.
By wasting our time on those unproductive events, it slows down our progress in something else we could have excel in.
There is a saying, “Every failure is one step closer to success“. While this is very true, we should also try to take the path of least resistance so that we can become successful quicker.
So, how do we know when to say yes to something and no to another?
Actually, the different things presented to us each require a certain type of personality type for people to do well in them. The different kinds of personality types are as follows:
1. Mechanic
2. Creator
3. Star
4. Supporter
5. Dealmaker
6. Trader
7. Accumulator
8. Lord
By knowing whether you are a right brain or left brain and intuitive/innovative or timing/sensory person, you will be able to find out which of the eight profiles you fit into (Click on the picture below to see how it which profile you belong to).
Some examples to further illustrate the concept.
Warren Buffett is an investor(accumulator). Ask him to start a business and he’ll probably not do so well.
Some people are good at inventing new things (creator) but not so good at managing it. Ever wondered why is it always the same people starting new companies, getting them big, then selling out and starting another company with a new idea? These people are the creators.
Knowing your own personality type is very important to get you on the shortest path to success. I have since found out that Roger’s profiling is adopted from a variation of the Myers-Briggs test.
This is also covered (16 personality types) in a book called The Millionaire Code: 16 Paths to Wealth Building by Paul B. Farrell.
This is definitely a book that I will be getting for myself in the future after I have cleared the backlog of unread books in my bookshelf.
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on 08 Jun 2007 at 8:21 pm 1.Tang CS said …
Hi Martin,
Just some correction on your blog. Roger Hamilton said,”The more money you have, the more money you have to lose it.” You missed out the last 3 words.
Tang CS
on 08 Jun 2007 at 10:15 pm 2.Anonymous said …
Oops, typo. It should be “The more money you have, the more opportunities you have to lose it.”
on 08 Jun 2007 at 10:21 pm 3.Martin Lee said …
I think both are also very true.
The more money you have, the more opportunities you have.
The more money you have, the more opportunities you have to lose it.