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google &seo Martin Lee on 17 May 2007 11:59 am

SEO Tips – Latent Semantic Indexing

In the past, stuffing your webpage with your keywords will help get your pages ranked highly in the search engines. Of course, what happened was that the search engines got smarter and such a trick no longer worked.

Instead, search engines now find out what your page is all about by looking for a series of keywords related to your keyword. This is called Latent Semantic Indexing.

The web pages on your web site should be related and focus mainly on a special topic while using different words that describe the topic. This can be achieved by using variations of your keywords and synonyms.

What this basically means is that you shouldn’t focus on a single keyword when optimizing your web pages and when getting links.

For example, if you are trying to get your website ranked highly for the word “football”, you might want to have some of these terms appearing regularly on your website:

NFL, sports, premiership, college football, fc, etc.

Applying a bit of common sense should enable you to think of some of these keywords. Another method that you can use is a simple google trick to find out what words Google consider related to your topic.

As an example, try typing the word “football” (without the “) into google. Look at the results you get. Notice all the words with “football” are in bold.

Now type in “~football” (without the “) into google (The symbol ~ is called tilda).

Lo and behold, notice that some of these terms are now in bold:

NFL, sports, etc.

These are actually the terms that Google considers to be related to your keyword.

All things being equal, having these words on your site will tell Google that your site is about football and help it rank higher in the search engine results.

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