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joint ventures &teleconference Martin Lee on 26 Jul 2007 12:01 am

The Art of Profitable Dealmaking

Over the course of 30 years of devising marketing breakthroughs and teaching people to see monster profit possibilities �- Jay Abraham also became very masterful at setting up profitable joint ventures for himself. He does this by:

  1. identifying hidden possibilities, overlooked assets and underperforming activities and resources that no one else ever recognized.
  2. tieing up the rights; gaining control of the key assets, or access, (or usage) to their markets, intellectual property, etc. to something that no one else fully values yet.
  3. getting other people to do ALL the work necessary to monetize, mine and manage these revenue streams — while collecting and keeping the lion�s share of the ongoing profits.

Jay Abraham calls it putting yourself in the “Toll-Booth Position,” — because everyone has to pay YOU per transaction, use or visit…whether you�re there or not.

Last month, Jay presented some of his ideas to a group of 1,000 serious, passive income seekers. It was as a key note presenter for a $2,000 per person breakthrough conference called “Never Work Again” organised by bestselling author, Harv Eker.

I�ve gotten Jay to let me rebroadcast his entire presentation for my subscribers and readers.

When you listen to Jay sharing his most private thoughts on the topic with you � through this two-hour, high level, teleconferenced-based rebroadcast presentation — it�ll stimulate your mind.

Jay�s organized this presentation into five parts:

  1. The concept clearly explained and demonstrated.
  2. Actual examples to illustrate some of Jay’s experiences.
  3. Specific, immediate ways you can apply the basics immediately to your own life or anyone else’s you want to joint venture with.
  4. How to use a version of these methods to multiply your prosperity from whatever you do right now — and get other people to do all the work while you collect (and keep) almost all the profit.
  5. How you can get Jay personally to mentor you in this pursuit — with absolutely zero cost to you, whatsoever for one full month.

If you are interested to find out how you can setup passive income streams for yourself as a JV dealmaker, register to listen to Jay’s teleconference here:

==> Never Work Again Teleconference Broadcast

2 Responses to “The Art of Profitable Dealmaking”

  1. on 14 Aug 2007 at 2:03 am 1.beng said …

    im really interested to attend the teleconference. however, im not familiar on how to do attend on teleconferences. can you tell me how? is there any cost for me to attend?

  2. on 14 Aug 2007 at 3:13 am 2.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Beng,

    There is no cost to attend. You can register here:


    When the time comes, just have to use your phone to call in to the number (A US number) to listen. You will still need to pay for your normal phone charges.

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