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books &Risk Reversal Martin Lee on 04 Oct 2007 12:42 pm

The Passion Test by Chris and Janet Attwood

You probably know about the power of endorsements. And also how risk reversals can be used to reduce the risk for the prospective client. How about combining them both together? This is what Jay Abraham did in the latest email he sent out.

It’s actually an endorsement for a book called “The Passion Test” by Janet and Chris Attwood. If you recall, Jay actually did an interview with them some time back (If you haven’t already done so, you can download the interview transcripts here).

Anyway, here’s the email that Jay sent out with his endorsement and offer of money back guarantee. I have highlighted that part with Jay’s risk reversal offer.

Hi Martin,

I rarely write endorsements about an author’s newly released book – unless I have a personal relationship with him or her. And I must strongly believe in the books message and purpose.

Chris and Janet Attwood are good, long-term friends of mine. I’ve traveled abroad with them. I’ve philosophized “poetically,” until the wee hours of the night with them.

We’re very different animals, however, Chris and Janet Attwood are evangelical about one thing, that’s their primary focus on getting people passionate about where you are going in life, getting passionate about your relationships.

Getting purposeful, passionate and moving forward may not be YOUR idea of fun. But I can tell you from personal, first-hand experience, passion is the driving force behind all life’s achievements and creations.

Most people, frankly, aren’t very passionate. They aren’t passionate about who they are (low self esteem), they aren’t passionate about what they do, they aren’t passionate about who they are with, they aren’t passionate about where they are going.

Passion for life and living is fundamental. Chris and Janet know that better than almost any other specialist I’ve met.

They’ve devoted the last few years of their lives to studying, researching and uncovering all the wonderful ways a person can turn on, then turn up, their “life’s passion.”

Today, October 2, their new book, appropriately entitled “The Passion Test” comes out in the bookstores and online. It’s a very unique body of work that expresses the ideological, philosophical and deepest thinking on passion from eleven mammoth minds – and me.

Yes, I’m one of the people Chris and Janet devoted an entire chapter to in their book. But I should tell you that my portion does not focus on real business or marketing. It’s all about what drives my life, today.

I really like and respect Chris and Janet’s purposeful, useful – and, yes their indefatigable passion for what they’re doing.

I’d love to see their new book catapult into mega-best seller status, which is why I’m writing you.

Their book is worth owning, reading and carefully reflecting upon.

I’d love to see you purchase a copy – preferably today, when it may do the most good for their momentous climb to best seller status.

You can go online and purchase the book, or you can go to your favorite physical book store to get it.

I know a number of other websites even offering huge bonus giveaways, if you buy it through them.

So check around for your best deal – both price and “package.”

If you aren’t operating at peak passion now – perhaps this book will do the trick and electrify your lust for life; maybe too, it will illuminate the purposeful “destiny path” you’re seeking as well.

Maybe not.

But the book is moderately priced. If it rocks your boat, so-to-speak, then I did good in recommending it.

If it doesn’t, send the book back to me and I’ll personally refund your money anytime within 30 days of this email.

Finally, I don’t benefit one dime from this endorsement. I don’t get a cent of royalties or compensation for my chapter in their book.

I really like what they’ve done and know they are people of true goodness — So I’d like to help get more deserving people reading their new book.

Again, it’s “The Passion Test.” I think it’ll provide an easy, but positively defining shift in your thinking and relationships…with yourself, your loved ones, your career, your humanity and your destiny path.

Check it out, preferably today.


Thank you.

Respectfully – No, make that PASSIONATELY YOURS,

Jay Abraham

4 Responses to “The Passion Test by Chris and Janet Attwood”

  1. on 04 Oct 2007 at 4:14 pm 1.Kenneth Kwan said …

    I like the way Jay puts in at the end, “respectfully No, make that passionately yours.”

    It helps the reader go back to the idea of the Passion Test

  2. on 05 Oct 2007 at 7:04 am 2.Tim said …

    Thanks for the heads-up Martin. I haven’t checked my email account lately for Jays’ updates. This sounds just like what the doctor ordered for me.

    You may want to consider creating a “Reading Room” or other simular section where you can catagorize and list good/great books that you whole heartedly recommend.


  3. on 06 Oct 2007 at 1:05 am 3.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Tim,

    good idea. I have added a link to “recommended books” under “links”.

    There’s also a category “books” under “category” which will show the posts that were related to books.

  4. on 17 Dec 2007 at 8:04 pm 4.Peter said …

    Thanks to share this article with us and fot the links.

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