books &sales Martin Lee on 28 Jun 2007 09:27 am
The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
I just received an email from Jay Abraham recommending Chet Holmes’s new book, The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies. I am sure many of you who are also on Jay’s list would have gotten the email and might possibly be buying the book as well.
What you probably didn’t know is that if you get the book from Amazon, there is a link you can go to that will allow you to get $3000 worth of bonuses given by Chet, some of which includes:
To get your bonus, simply enter your contact details and amazon order number at this page and you will be given access to them.
For those of you who didn’t get Jay’s email, I have included selected portions of it here:
“Today, a new book comes out in bookstores and online.
It’s written by a good friend of mine, Chet Holmes.
It’s focused on the biggest, immediate leverage point that any and every business owner or professional can impact: selling.
Chet breaks everything down to simplicity itself. There are 12 key factors he thinks you and your team need to know and master. Just twelve. Command mastery of these twelve and, Chet believes, your business will double every fifteen months.
I can’t promise you that geometric growth will come solely from reading his new book. But I CAN assert that it could well represent the biggest return on investment you’ll make all this decade, from an expenditure of less than $30.
Many respected people have endorsed Chet’s book.
Probably the best encouragement I can give you for buying a copy is to say I think it’s something every one of you should have, read, know, use, incorporate into your business strategy.
If you trust me — go online or to your favorite bookstore and purchase Chet Holmes’ new book. You won’t regret the effort.
I believe selling is the one, easiest area of business impact you can instantly multiply. Read Chet’s book and learn how it’s done.
Chet’s book is good. Really good. It’s stuff you can use right now. It’s a missing link to understand and master.
Get a copy. I think you’ll benefit greatly from what you’ll learn.
Good luck and thank you in advance on behalf of Chet — for supporting his effort to bring his expertise down to an affordable level.
Regards, Jay Abraham”
Needless to say, I will be ordering my copy from Amazon. 🙂
on 30 Jun 2007 at 3:27 am 1.mark oden said …
I just bought Chet Holm’s book on Amazon today. I then went to the link on your site to enter my nane, email adress and the Amazon order # so I can recieve the free gifts. After I enter the info, the page kicks back blank. I need some help here. Thanks.
on 30 Jun 2007 at 9:42 am 2.Martin Lee said …
Hi Mark, I have sent you an email that should solve the problem. Just to clarify, the page with the bonus belongs to Chet and not to me…
on 30 Jun 2007 at 1:05 pm 3.Paul said …
Hi Mark
I’ve been a fan of Chet since I heard him on Jay’s PEQ programme and I’d already ordered the book from Amazon but I was delighted that you brought the bonuses to my attention. In fact although I subscribe to Chet’s email newsletter I heard about these bonuses from you first.
Chet has been remarkably successful and is much more structured that Jay, adding procedures and processes (and a proven superstar sales record) to Jay’s slice and dice geometric business growth approach.
It’s a winning combination if you can combine the two.
Thanks again.
on 30 Jun 2007 at 1:18 pm 4.Martin Lee said …
Hi Paul, you are most welcome. I think you could have missed out Chet’s email.
I am looking forward to the book.
Anyway, it’s Martin not Mark! 🙂
on 03 Jul 2007 at 12:44 am 5.Martin Lee said …
I tried redeeming my bonus from Chet’s bonus page and had problems getting it as well. Getting an “email not found” error message.
Finally managed to access after I entered the email address I was using to subscribe to Chet Holmes newsletters.
From what I figured, you have to order from Amazon, as well as be on Chet’s list to get those bonus.
on 08 Jul 2007 at 5:03 pm 6.Dr Steven Grekin said …
I love the book. It is an easy read with loads of good information. Unlike most business books Chet actually draws you a road map to success!
He explains how the techniques have worked for him in his own businesses as well as quality examples of other companies.
on 08 Jul 2007 at 5:19 pm 7.Martin Lee said …
Hi Dr Steven,
I’m looking foward for my book to arrive. It will take a while for it to be shipped to my place.
on 26 Aug 2007 at 5:17 pm 8.Jim said …
Hi Martin,
I’ve been watching your blog for a while and you’re getting some good stuff on to it.
I’m a real Jay fan (been to the seminars, got the t-shirt) and of course Jay and Chet were partners so I naturally gravitated to working with one or the other. Currently I coach Chet’s clients worldwide.
I’ve written a little about The Ultimate Sales Machine on my own blog. And I’ve also got a few Chet and Jay related posts too.
I’m a fan of Chet’s too. Being a coach I’m in the extremely fortunate position of getting training from Chet that costs others loads. For instance Chet is on a retainer of $24,000 per month for the companies he works with.
If you’ve any Chet-related questions, email me at chetquestion at acornservice dot com and I’ll do my best to answer them for you.
on 26 Aug 2007 at 10:44 pm 9.Martin Lee said …
Hi Jim, thanks for the thumbs up. T-shirt? Wow, didn’t know they had that. 🙂
Sure, I will contact you if I need to ask you anything about Chet. Thanks for the offer.