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teleconference Jay Abraham on 03 Dec 2009 12:56 am

Never Work Again Rebroadcast

This is a rebroadcast of the keynote address that Jay Abraham delivered at Harv Eker’s “Never Work Again” $2000 event.

At Harv’s event, Jay spent 120-minutes sharing real world examples of ways he has created passive income streams and “hands-off,” profit centers.

He told how other prosperous people have figured out how to never work again, too. Enjoying six, even seven figures annual earnings “annuities” (purely passively) with little or no capital requirement, whatsoever.

You’ll be able to learn specific, immediate ways you can apply the basics immediately to your own life or anyone else’s you want to joint venture with.

Click here to register for this free teleconference.

One Response to “Never Work Again Rebroadcast”

  1. on 02 May 2010 at 2:19 pm 1.steve said …

    Well J-V is a good idea but i think the main prob is the good marketers you never here from them as the world is all after one thin to better them selfs and the internet is the worst place as there 1000 and 1000 of peeople trying to make it on line. most of the big dogs say use there program and get rich but all that is selling there product and you get a slice yes some people make money but normal those are the ones close behind the main person so people like me say join up pay a lot and then i have to go sell the product for % of the sale which is fine but if you dont sell and next month you have to pay again and so on. BUT i will say there are some true good people out there but are far between.

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