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teleconference Jay Abraham on 03 Dec 2009

Never Work Again Rebroadcast

This is a rebroadcast of the keynote address that Jay Abraham delivered at Harv Eker’s “Never Work Again” $2000 event.

At Harv’s event, Jay spent 120-minutes sharing real world examples of ways he has created passive income streams and “hands-off,” profit centers.

He told how other prosperous people have figured out how to never work again, too. Enjoying six, even seven figures annual earnings “annuities” (purely passively) with little or no capital requirement, whatsoever.

You’ll be able to learn specific, immediate ways you can apply the basics immediately to your own life or anyone else’s you want to joint venture with.

Click here to register for this free teleconference.

teleconference Jay Abraham on 07 Nov 2009

Accountability Coaching Mastermind Mentoring Call

Jay Abraham is starting a series of Mastermind Accountability and Mentoring Sessions for a select group of participants.

His goal for this new, experimental program is to deal here (and now) with the specific, biggest issues you’re struggling with or trying to get answers to — and solve them for you, there and then on that actual session’s group conference call.

If you are keen to be part of this program, attend the discover calls next week to find out more:

Thursday, November 12th at 6pm PT (9pm ET)
Friday, November 13th at 1pm PT (4pm ET)
Saturday, November 14th at 9am PT (12pm ET)

No registration is required, use the following to call in:

Dial-in Number: 512-225-3563
Passcode: 472111#

If you want more information on this program, visit the link below:

Accountability Coaching Mastermind

teleconference Jay Abraham on 16 Oct 2009

The League of Extraordinary Minds

Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham invite you to join them in making online marketing history.

54 of the most influential, most respected, and most recognized business advisors in the world are joining forces to launch a monumental business altering initiative — and you’re invited.

Continue reading » The League of Extraordinary Minds

teleconference Jay Abraham on 24 Sep 2009

Becoming The Maven Of Your Market

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jay Abraham will be conducting a special web broadcast with his personal friend, business partner and Internet business Market Master – Rich Schefren with one mission in mind:

To teach you how to become a legend in your prospects’ minds.

In other words, Rich and Jay are going to make you famous (and extremely profitable!).

Click here to register

For two solid hours, they’re going to help you take the first steps to transforming yourself into the dominant thought leader… the leading authority… the “Maven” of your market.

This special Free Web Broadcast is absolutely essential for you if you really, truly and sincerely want your online (or offline) business to explode past all of your competitors…

If you genuinely want to see your income multiply geometrically…

And if you want to see your business, product, service… and you… catapulted into stratospheric levels of respect, response and financial prosperity,

Simply click here to register

The web broadcast is free!

teleconference Martin Lee on 25 Mar 2009

Jay Abraham’s Ways to Prosper in this Recession

Ever since US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner took up the hot seat on Feb 26, he has been criticised every step of the way.

From his (unpreviously) unpaid taxes, his vague bank rescue plan and more recently, over his failure to stop the AIG from paying out $165 million in executive bonuses.

While we wait for the White House to revive the economy, governments worldwide are announcing unprecedented stimulus packages to jumpstart the economy.

Continue reading » Jay Abraham’s Ways to Prosper in this Recession

teleconference Martin Lee on 13 Feb 2009

What Would Jay Do if He Were You?

Reproducing a recent email from Jay Abraham below:

When business and financial tension is high, when
income and profit generation becomes a struggle,
when business and careers are recording record
losses, when you start thinking you’re losing the
business or career battle…you need a breath of
fresh air.

You need to know what Jay would do — if he were


Continue reading » What Would Jay Do if He Were You?

teleconference Martin Lee on 05 Feb 2009

Has the Recession Pummeled Your Business Profits?

Reproducing a recent email from Jay Abraham below:

Turbulent times spin almost everybody’s business
into a downward profit spiral…most probably it’s
YOUR business that’s suffering, mightily, too.

I know it seems that the recession is fueling
incredible problems for every business owner out
there — including, you. But I can probably help
you generate a massive turn-around strategy…very

Seriously, while today’s brutal economy has turned
down virtually every one of your competitor’s
businesses — it actually could turn YOUR
business-alone, into a pipeline-of-profits.

If that sounds improbable — even impossible, it’s
not. Let me explain AND demonstrate.

Continue reading » Has the Recession Pummeled Your Business Profits?

barter &teleconference Martin Lee on 12 Dec 2008

Power Bartering

Jay Abraham has just released a report on an income generating strategy that works even in a recession – bartering. This Power Bartering Special Situation report offers a glimpse at the opportunities available to anyone who makes effective use of batering.

  • How to cut many of your bills into half
  • Create more purchasing power
  • Buy without money – never borrow again
  • Finance rapid growth
  • Turn excess inventory into cash
  • And more…

For those interested to know more, there’s also a series of training sessions next week on this topic. They will be hosted by Jay Abraham and his two bartering mentors, David Wagenvoord and Spike Humer.

The sessions will by held on the 15th, 17th and 19th of December. More details on registration can be found inside the report.

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