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books &millionaire mind intensive &seminar Martin Lee on 15 Nov 2007 04:14 pm

Harv Eker Millionaire Mind Intensive

Two events that Jay Abraham regularly speaks at are “The World’s Greatest Marketing Seminar” and “Never Work Again“(You can listen to a replay of the presentation delivered by Jay here) organised by a person called Harv Eker.

Harv Eker himself is the author of the best selling book, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” and the founder of Peak Potentials, one of the fastest growing business and personal success training companies in North America.

Harv Eker

Harv was also in Singapore a few months ago and I had the opportunity to listen to his presentation back then. I have also since then bought a copy of his “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” book and finished reading it.

So what exactly does Harv Eker teach?

Harv introduces us to a concept called the money (or financial) blueprint. This is what our subconcious mind associate wealth with. Now, if this blueprint is not set for success, nothing we do or know will ever change our wealth.

If we have certain misconceptions about wealth (eg. Money is the root of all evil), our subconcious mind will somehow sabotage our attempts to get wealthy.

How often do we hear stories of multi-millionaires losing all their wealth and then able to make everything back within a short time? That’s because their money blueprint is set at a very high level.

Or how poor people suddenly make a big sum of money from lottery and then after a few years, they seem to be back where they started? That’s because they have a low financial blueprint.

Your blueprint is just like the thermostat in a room. If you don’t change the setting, ultimately, the temperature in the room will stablise to match that setting.

So, how do we change this setting? Well, one way is by attending Harv Eker’s flagship 3-day program, “Millionaire Mind Intensive“. This program is conducted mainly in the United States and Canada.

As luck would have it, Harv Eker will be coming to Singapore next week to conduct this program here for the first time ever.

I believe my own financial blueprint is already set at a pretty decent level. However, I will still be going to Harv’s event to set it at a higher level. 🙂

More reviews to follow after the event.

Some of Harv Eker’s Events you might be interested in:

Millionaire Mind Teleseminar (Attend a teleclass from the comfort of your home)

Millionaire Mind Intensive Event (The 3-day event)

3 Responses to “Harv Eker Millionaire Mind Intensive”

  1. on 15 Nov 2007 at 11:03 pm 1.Paul said …

    Hi Martin

    I haven’t read the book but I have used the same concept when I’ve been talking to people.

    In fact I blogged about it recently.

    People but a self-limiting or self-expanding value of themselves that then influences their motivations to take action.

    Outside their comfort zone, their thermostat takes over to move them back to their control value.

  2. on 20 Nov 2007 at 1:41 am 2.Jim said …

    Excellent… I read The Millionaire Mind book a couple of years ago, he has pretty good info.

    I talked with a person about the events he puts on and so far everyone seems to like them, I will have to check one out for myself one of these days.


  3. on 22 Nov 2007 at 1:59 pm 3.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Paul and Jim,

    Thanks for your comments. It’s one day to the event and I’m looking forward to it.

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