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Uncategorized Martin Lee on 17 Aug 2006 05:26 am

Jay Abraham 101

Today, I will be answering a question from Shanker.

Is there a template for implementing Jay Abraham’s
innovative ideas? a step-by step method.

Jay Abraham 101 says that there are really only three ways to grow a business.

1) Increase your number of clients. (lead generation, conversion rate)
2) Increase the value of each transaction. (upsell)
3) Increase the number of transactions per client. (backend products)

Many businesses spend a lot of their time (and money) doing mainly items in the first category. And acquiring a new client is often expensive.

Think about it. Would it be easier to sell something new to someone whom you had already established a relationship, than to sell something to a new prospect?

If you spend time working on all three areas, you will be able to experience exponential growth in your business.

5 Responses to “Jay Abraham 101”

  1. on 20 Aug 2006 at 12:43 pm 1.Mike said …

    Anyone that knows who Jay Abraham is knows the 3 ways to grow a business! The question is:

    “Is there a template for implementing Jay Abraham’s
    innovative ideas? a step-by step method.

  2. on 10 Aug 2007 at 3:19 pm 2.Paul said …

    Jay’s advice is generic. It will work for any type of business but implementing particular concepts will be more successful in different situations. Performance also depends on the person and their particular beliefs, values, inclinations and preferences.

    I’m sure that Jay would just encourage you to try the technique that seems to have most appeal to you. What looks as if it could give you the biggest benefit for the least amount of effort. Then just give it a go and review what you learned. Did it work? Did it feel good? Can you do it better next time? Try it again and keep testing and optimising until you have something that works well. Systemise it so that it carries on and turn your attentions to the next most attractive technique.

    Unfortunately the flexibility in Jay’s systems and ideas are a great strength but also a weakness that he will admit. In the PEQ seminars with Chet Holmes he praised Chet for his disciplined, systemised approach and expressed his regret that he hadn’t been able to turn his ideas into a formal step by step system.

  3. on 12 Aug 2007 at 1:39 am 3.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your inputs.

    From what Jay spoke, the easiest way (and the one that requires the least amount of effort) to increase your number of clients is to have a systemised referral system.

    That is something totally lacking in many businesses.

  4. on 26 Aug 2007 at 1:26 am 4.Paul said …

    The Nightingale Conant CD on the 93 Extraordinary Referral Systems is recommended as it certainly shows you what other people have come up with.

    Jay records all his seminars and this audio is a compendium of the different referrals systems mentioned when people get into the hot seat and are asked to decribe what it is that they do.

  5. on 26 Aug 2007 at 10:35 pm 5.Martin Lee said …

    Hi Paul, thanks for the recommendation. Seems that you have all the products of Jay! 🙂

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