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maven marketing &teleconference Martin Lee on 08 Feb 2008 10:10 pm

Maven Marketing by Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham

Today is the second day of the Chinese New Year. It is a period where Chinese worldwide celebrate their new year (based on the lunar calender). Officially, the celebration lasts fifteen days but here in Singapore, we only get two days of public holidays. In China, they get all fifteen days. 😀 (Update: Was told they don’t.)

Chinese New Year Goodies
With lots of food and a bit of spare time, I finally gotten down to compiling my notes for the Maven Marketing teleconference call by Jay Abraham and Rich Schefren I listened to earlier (Click here to listen to a replay).There’s lots of notes below (missed out quite a lot too) but the gist of the call can be summed up as follows:Maven Marketing is about positioning yourself differently from all the rest in your industry. Doing so helps you achieve exponential growth for your business.These are the points I gathered from the call.

  • The key starting point is establishing the need in the market and the solution.
  • Almost everybody is struggling to grow their business. To grow your business beyond just ordinary, you will need to gain a major business advantage. It’s not possible if you were to just follow normal mainstream advice.
  • Traditional marketing (tv, radio, print advertising) has experienced sharp declines in performance. If you want to win today, you must distinguish yourself:
    • Most trusted adviser
    • Most authorative source of advice and ideas
  • Maven marketing is the key to maximum performance.
  • You need not necessarily have the better product, just the better positioning. In business, it is the positioning that makes the economic and competitive difference. You can’t control a lot of factors (e.g. economy, market sector, competitors) but you CAN control your positioning.
  • The one skill that will attract more clients for you is being seen as a maven in their eyes.
  • Show that you understand your prospects.
  • Become the advocate or champion of a (long) suffering market.
  • How does it all come together? Create an essential theme for everything you do.
  • You need a flagship product.

Case study: Tellman Knudson

When Tellman started in internet marketing, he was basically building a list and promoting his joint venture partners’ product. His partners would in turn promote Tellman to their list. When Rich Schefren spoke to Tellman, they improved his business model by getting Tellman to create his own core product, a course on list-building. This positions Tellman as a list-building expert rather than someone who is just promoting other people’s product.

  • Is your business designed to continously bring in new clients and keep existing ones?
  • You can self-proclaim yourself as the expert on any market niche, as long as you can deliver on your positioning. Look at yourself first, what edge you have.

Building the Maven Around a Character

  • Tycoon – Donald Trump
  • Puppeteer – Person behind the scene
  • Researcher – Person who has done all the data analysis to come up with the absolute conclusion
  • Well Placed Intelligent Source
  • Contrarian
  • Eccentric – Richard Branson
  • The Iconic Class
  • The Angry Man – Jim Cramer, the mad money guy
  • The Prodigy/Genius
  • The Voice or face behind the organisation – Steve Forbes
  • The Synthesizer – The character who sleeves through everything and shares with the market what works. Tony Robbins
  • The Importer
  • The Outcast – The person who does what he wants and doesn’t care about anyone who gets in the way.
  • The Common Man
  • The Intellect
  • The Advocate – The person who will fight on your behalf and have become dreams for you than you have for yourself.
  • The Mad Scientist – Always testing.
  • The Supreme Possibility Optimist – Shows you that you are even better than you believe yourself. Zig Zigler
  • The Futurist – Faith Popcorn
  • The Absent Minded Profession – Albert Einstein
  • The Wizard of Oz – He disappears, goes behind the scene, and when he comes back, often with a revolutionary product. Steve Jobs
  • The Family Man


  • Trusted advisor for life.
  • Here’s what you are not told. I’m going to tell you.


  • Establish your credentials.
  • Establish your distinctive perspective and communication.
  • Establish your communication advantage.
  • Establish a primary signature communication vehicle.
  • Be able to compare and contrast.
  • Future pacing.
  • Take a position of strong point of view.
  • Establish leadership.
  • Seeing yourself as an agent of change.
  • Special innovation.

The call ended with an offer by Jay and Rich for us to sign up for their Maven Marketing Intensive event or the home study course. The $25,000 that I mentioned earlier turned out to be a bonus only available for those who signup.

Rich, next time don’t call something that is conditional a gift. 🙁

If you like to listen to the call, click here to register for a replay.

10 Responses to “Maven Marketing by Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham”

  1. on 08 Feb 2008 at 10:44 pm 1.Paul said …

    Hi Martin

    Happy Chinese New Year

    A great job with the notes.

    After the “who we are” and before the “buy from us” they rattled through some great content too quickly for me to listen and write.

    I have moaned about the $25k gift comment which was misleading the way it is phased.

    The call is worth listening to and if your readers want to catch it, they also get a few freebies that are worth having.


  2. on 09 Feb 2008 at 12:39 am 2.Bruce said …

    Cheerful New Year Martin.

    Thanks a bunch for the notes. I look forward to thinking through the ideas.

    From what I read, it made me wonder whether you have a long term strategy for your Blog and, if so, what your USP is and especially what elements of your USP are your focus for preeminence?

  3. on 09 Feb 2008 at 2:21 am 3.Paulina Khumbah, Ph. D. said …

    When is the teleconference?

  4. on 09 Feb 2008 at 10:55 am 4.arthur said …

    Hi Martin,

    You did a great job with respect to the notes
    you put together with respect to the call.

    I agree with your comments re the gift it was
    a little misleading.

    Kind regards

    Arthur (Bermuda)

  5. on 09 Feb 2008 at 12:18 pm 5.Wyman Crane said …

    Thank you once again for your notes. I am currently a student of Jay’s Passive Income course. I am a member of Frank Singa’s Jay forum and three of us in Las Vegas meet to discuss our learning. I take notes and send to our members. I am very excited about the future with Jay’s teachings.
    I have read many of your passed notes. You are doing a great job.
    the wYman, brainstorming solutions to business and world problems.LVThinkTank.com

  6. on 12 Feb 2008 at 11:15 pm 6.Philip Wong said …

    Good notes there Martin.

    I have been following Rich’s buzz building to the launch of his program but having taken a quick look at it, I get the impression that he’s just packaged a number of well trodden information programs and re-branded it under his Maven Marketing or whatchamacallit.

    His Attention Age report is something that others have already been doing in Web 2.0 and the information isn’t that groundbreaking after all.

    He may be a “guru” but I think the likes of Jay have already “been there done that” and I didn’t think that there was anything new to offer.

    I have also noticed that Rich’s so-called gifts weren’t exactly gifts after all as well like you did. In the end, I’d rather just stick to someone I and you know, like Jay. I reckon that you’d have imbibed most of his information enough to teach it yourself and be an Asian Maven.

  7. on 12 Feb 2008 at 11:36 pm 7.Martin Lee said …

    Thank you all for the positive feedback.

    Hi Bruce,

    At the moment, this blog is just a “part-time” hobby for me. Unless I decide to offer my own service or product, there isn’t much of a long term strategy in the making.

    Just happy to be able to provide some good content for everyone. 😛

    Hi Philip,

    Asian Maven? I’ll need to make a trip to Disney first but I don’t see that likely to happen. 🙁

  8. on 07 Dec 2009 at 5:43 am 8.Joan Miller said …

    Good overview of the Maven Marketing course. I’ve taken Maven Marketing from Rich and Jay and have found it to be extremely valuable.

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